Frightening and inspiring

Category: Opinion, Self Sufficient Communities, Uncategorised
Limits to growth

As frighting as this video might be, as inspiring are the potential solutions and possibilities.

We just need to change our systems and our stories. The current systems that we have built are starting to not work anymore. Large percentages of people are living in poverty. It is not meeting the needs of most people anymore. While there are some people that live in extreme wealth, the majority are barely getting by or living in poverty. In-equality and poverty are just one of the issues. There are several more, for example, climate change, environmental destruction, war, conflict, human rights, hunger, et cetera.

Fortunately, there are solutions. Alternative systems and alternative stories that we can tell. For example, renewable energy, community, eco-villages, crypto currency, collective ownership and decision making, gardening, sharing and renting systems, et cetera.

In future, this website will change to become an online education platform where these alternative solutions can be shared and studied through online courses. For example, eco-village design eduction, permaculture, gardening, non-violent communication, meditation, bee-keeping, tiny house construction, micro-grids, et cetera.

I am excited to create this with you. Welcome to our new future!

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