Ecovillage Design Education – “Training for future”

Category: Education

EDE Tonndorf, July 2022

EDE – Ecovillage Design Education is a certified 4-week intensive educational program created by Gaia Education, held each year all around the world. This year’s EDE Schloss Tonndorf 2022 was a truly unique experience: The first one ever to be held in the beautiful castle-based community of Schloss Tonndorf in Germany, focused on youth workers who want to further empower youth to grow and transform communities as a way of making Europe and the world more just, resilient and sustainable.

With almost 30 participants from 6 countries (Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and Slovenia), and an international team of trainers/organizers (Ana Armano Linta, Katja Štemberger, Mieke Elzenga, Thomas Meier, Veljko Armano Linta), this July in Schloss Tonndorf was full of intensity, creativity and new connections.

This EDE was financed by Erasmus+, focused on youth workers and helped them delve into the following questions: How do we support youth in times of multiple crises, with a view to the four dimensions of sustainability? How do we support young people with their regenerative projects and with their activism (such as Fridays for Future and Extinction Rebellion)? How do we support them in building and strengthening their communities and community projects?

It was also a great opportunity for youth workers from the North and South of Europe to connect, exchange good practices and design projects together, as well as to explore the connections between sustainability, equality and community. In addition to the training, this EDE included online preparation and introduction meetings before the training, and dissemination activities after it.

The purpose of the training is to get familiar with the four dimensions of sustainability (social, economic, ecological and worldview) and connect them in a holistic so-called Studio Design, based on affinity towards a project someone proposed. All project ideas and their resulting designs had to be regenerative in eco-social contexts, had to be connected with youth, had to integrate all four dimensions of sustainability and had to include the element of building and/or strengthening existing or new communities.

Thank you all for the contribution towards a brighter and empowering future.

For more information:

Gaia education learning opportunities:

Ecovillage Design Education:

EDE opportunities for our region:


What participants shared:

  “Learning through practical examples and the authentic experience of being a member of a community is a precious personal capital I’ll carry through my life and, hopefully, implement in the local community over the coming time.” A. I. 

  “The structure and overview it gives – this is just incredible. I love the way it opens up and sharpens the perspective at the same time.” “Keep on sharing this – the world really needs it!” I.K. 

  “… This is a strong and important evolutionary process that is (at least for me), not even remotely finished just because the training is physically over.” M.G. 

GAIA EducationUNESCO Global Action Programme on Education for Sustainable development




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