How I would like to live my life.

Category: Uncategorised
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group of sheep on green grass field

Instead of buying 100% of my food from the supermarket, I would like to grow and raise some of my own food. Some spinach, salad, sweet potatoes, eggs, honey, and sheep.

Instead of buying 100% of my energy usage from the grid and from the fossil fuel companies, I would like to supply as much as possible of my own needs from solar, wind, battery, biogas, hydro, hydrogen, etc.

Instead of spending all my time working for a salary for a company, I would like to start and grow my own successful company, it will generate enough money to cover my living expenses and enough extra to save up. It will require me to work no more than 4 hours of work per day, giving me enough free time to spend on my self-sufficiency and community goals.

Instead of spending all my free time on social media or TV, I would love to spend most of my free time with loved ones, friends and family.

Instead of spending all my time indoors behind, computers, TVs and books, I would love to spend as much time as possible in nature.

Instead of owning everything I need myself, I would like to own only the essentials and share as much as possible cars, bikes, trailers, washing machines, tools, etc.

Instead of owning a large house and all that I need, I would like to have my own private space like a room, bathroom, coffee station, and TV, but would be ok to share spaces like a kitchen, entertainment spaces, tools rooms, etc.

So a typical ideal day would be as follows. Wake up do my morning routine, meditation, shower and have breakfast. Then 4 hours of work on my online businesses. Lunch alone or with colleagues. 4 hours of work on my energy and food self-sufficiency with other community members. Make dinner together and eat together.

This movement/ development has also been described by Steven Covey, in his book, the seven habits. Here he says that a person moves from dependence to independence, to co-dependence.

Where it is no longer just about me, but more about us.

Are you also feeling stuck in the current system and lifestyle?

Would this lifestyle work for you as well? What would your ideal lifestyle look like?

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1 Comment.

    2022-12-15 3:24 pm

    That sound like a great life. But how would one go about creating a life like that?

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